31-Your favorite song...

We had a really neat conversation this week with some friends about music. It was very enlightening to see what people look for in music and how they see it differently. So I ask you a favor: give me one song recommendation. Just shoot me an e-mail if you don't want to post it in the comments. I'll do a "friends of the Coop" soundtrack posting (anonymously, of course) in a short while....

Thanks! Can't wait to see what I'll be listening to!


Glass Princess said…
I want to say "anything Dave Matthews"... but you knew that.
but I will be good and chose just one: Dancing Nancies
Anonymous said…
Dancing Queen!
Anonymous said…
Don't have a fav song - too many to list, BUTT.. ;) ..... I do have one that i was listening to last night. "Peace Train" by Cat Stevens...... Enjoy ;)
Anonymous said…
Insanely, ridiculously hard, only because by the time I finish this sentence, my choice will change for whatever reason. But in sticking-to-my-guns mode, I'm throwing out Springsteen's lost b-side 'Roulette'. Angry, intense, and full of venom, everything a protest song (which I typically loathe)/but not really a protest song (which is good) should be.
Unknown said…
Well as always, Chris your crazy questions make me think, and like most people can't narrow it down. However today there are two songs stuck in my head, that Killlers "I've got soul,but I'm not a soldier", cause I am watching lots of olympics and Nike uses it in a commercial and this strange Jimmy Buffett song I have been singing all week called "reggabilly hill", its a weird, sad song, I just love it.